Friday, August 29, 2008

Think before you swat..?

A pesky fly buzzing about...find a newspaper, roll it up..SWAT! No sign of the dead fly..infact it's still happily buzzing about..another attempt on its life is taken...SWAT!! again. After a couple more missed tries, the frustration finally ends with a quick spray from Ridsect/Shelltox etc. We've all been there before..

But wait..there just might be a way to beat these flies to their own game, courtesy of scientists at the California Institute of Technology who have apparently identified why these insects are so evading rolled-up newspapers - and how they might be outwitted.

The right approach is to aim not at the insects themselves because they are extraordinarily good at anticipating where exactly your blow will land. “It is best to aim a bit forward of the fly's starting position, to anticipate where it is going to jump when it first sees your swatter,” said Michael Dickinson, of the California Institute of Technology, who led the study " For more.

Now either these scientists have run of original ideas to work on...boredom maybe..or perhaps their workplace is badly infested with houseflies, that they've decided to find a way of outwitting them annoying, pesky flies!

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