Friday, August 29, 2008

Strangers in the night

When Stephen King wrote "That's why I can't imagine that anything in X-Files will match Liv Tyler's exchange with one of the masked home invaders in one particularly terrifying scene of The Strangers.

''Why are you doing this to us?'' she whispers.

To which the woman in the doll-face mask responds, in a dead and affectless voice: ''Because you were home.''

In the end, that's all the explanation a good horror film needs."

..I knew I had to check this one out.

Based on true events, a couple find themselves menaced by a trio of masked psychos in the middle of the night and in the middle of nowhere. There were so many memorable scenes to choose from, mostly which involved a whole lot of ear and eye-closing as well as hiding behind bags, but one that stuck out was when Liv Tyler's character tried to hide underneath the bed, only to discover she can't fit there!!! (Note to all: check your beds. If you can't fit underneath it, get a new one. Or if junk is stored, get rid of them!)

If you like a good scare, which certainly did it for me, then this is a must-see (sorry mozart and Miss J, this one is definitely off-limits to the both of you) - currently showing at Q-lap Mall @ 11.20pm.

But the moral of the story: never buy or stay at a house where there are no nearby neighbours.

Oh, and if someone knocks in the middle of the night, let it be.

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