Monday, February 16, 2009

A hidden gem

Well well well, who would've thought...Never in a million years would anyone ever associate the words "up-to-date" or "hip" with "RTB" up until this evening.

Two words. The Mentalist.

Incase you're wondering what I'm talking about, here's why you should check it - and ultimately RTB2 - out.

So anyway back to this whole issue about RTB2 being "hip" has anyone ever noticed the surge of interesting tv shows it has been screening over the past year or so? Two and A Half Men..24..Supernatural..House..Heroes..Prison Break. Prior to the second RTB channel, the premier channel was only known for its local news, religious programmes and local dramas, and unless you subscribed to Astro then you'd be at the mercy of such programmes. But all that is slowing changing now what with this latest addition to their schedule. Not even AXN, Star World or 8TV has shown signs of screening this latest breakout show which is currently beating out the likes of House, Heroes and Grey's Anatomy back in the States!

Oh and it doesn't help that I'm a HUGE fan of Simon Baker (anyone remember The Guardian..?) who is definitely beyond a sight for sore eyes. Yummmm..

Still want proof?

Check out The Mentalist every Mondays at 9 pm, RTB2.

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