25. Today's magic number. Has it really been that long? Let's give ourselves a massive clap for reaching such milestone - we've come a long way baby!
Speaking of milestones and magic numbers, let's also give a shoutout to our dear friend Medulla who celebrates her "25th" birthday on this very day. Some of you may know that Medulla and I go back a looooonng way so what better way to prove that by showing this.
Speaking of milestones and magic numbers, let's also give a shoutout to our dear friend Medulla who celebrates her "25th" birthday on this very day. Some of you may know that Medulla and I go back a looooonng way so what better way to prove that by showing this.
Happy Birthday Medulla and Brunei Darussalam!
Awwww... Kitty honey, you look so cute there too. LOL!! :p
What's amazing is that someone actually (still) has this - and probably others too! - photo!! I don't even remember who our teacher in this photo was..hehehe
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