Monday, February 23, 2009

Anniversaries galore

25. Today's magic number. Has it really been that long? Let's give ourselves a massive clap for reaching such milestone - we've come a long way baby!

Speaking of milestones and magic numbers, let's also give a shoutout to our dear friend Medulla who celebrates her "25th" birthday on this very day. Some of you may know that Medulla and I go back a looooonng way so what better way to prove that by showing this.

Isn't she cute?

Happy Birthday Medulla and Brunei Darussalam!


Medulla said...

Awwww... Kitty honey, you look so cute there too. LOL!! :p

Anonymous said...

What's amazing is that someone actually (still) has this - and probably others too! - photo!! I don't even remember who our teacher in this photo was..hehehe